How to reduce the carbon footprint of your logistics?

Focus on these 3 key areas and reduce CO2 emissions of your cargo significantly

How to minimise road kilometres

Among all shipping methods, transporting goods by road impacts the environment the most. Freight transport by road generates over five times the CO2 emissions of rail transport and nearly 20 times more carbon emissions compared to maritime shipping, according to data from the European Court of Auditors.


Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to significantly reduce the kilometres your goods travel by road.

1. Make a modal shift

Explore alternative transport modes. An experienced logistics partner can audit your current transport lines and identify opportunities for a modal shift. On the European mainland, long-haul trucking can often be replaced by rail transport, which offers a remarkable reduction in emissions.

2. Pivot to unaccompanied shipping

If accompanied shipping has been your go-to method, switching to unaccompanied shipping can help you substantially reduce your carbon emissions. Instead of a dedicated driver transporting one trailer load from door to door, the same trailer can be detached from the truck and shipped unaccompanied (i.e. without a driver) by rail or sea for part of the journey.


For example, the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium offers numerous roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) shipping lines, providing an ideal way to deliver your goods closer to their final destination in the UK & Ireland, and eliminate additional road kilometres.


Beyond cutting CO2 emissions, unaccompanied shipping also offers significant cost reductions as there is no driver needed to accompany the goods from pick-up to drop-off.

3. Take to the seas

Shipping by sea is the most environmentally friendly method for transporting goods. The more road freight kilometres you can replace with sea transport, the better. Route optimisation, an unaccompanied shipping strategy, and a broader range of shipping ports are all crucial elements in upgrading maritime transport as a key component of your logistics plan.

How to improve road transport efficiency?

While it might not be possible to eliminate road transport entirely, technological advancements and deliberate practices can optimise emissions performance for the remaining road kilometres. Here are some key areas where improvements can make a significant impact:


  • Ensure an environmentally friendly fleet: Use vehicles with lower emissions and better fuel efficiency.
  • Monitor fuel efficiency and explore fuel alternatives: Keep track of fuel usage and consider alternative fuels.
  • Prioritise vehicle maintenance: Regular maintenance ensures vehicles run optimally, reducing emissions.
  • Train drivers in eco-friendly driving practices: Teach drivers techniques to minimise fuel consumption.
  • Avoid unnecessary kilometres: Plan routes carefully to reduce travel distance.
  • Adjust routes to avoid idling in heavy traffic: Stay clear from congested routes, where possible, to prevent unnecessary idling and emissions.

How to optimise your cargo?

Beyond route changes and modal shifts, the way you handle your cargo also affects your carbon footprint. Here are some best practices to consider:


  • Eliminate partial trailer loads and empty runs: Plan shipments to ensure trailers are fully loaded, reducing the number of trips needed.
  • Maximise cargo space: Load trailers with care to utilise all available space, minimising the number of shipments required and reducing environmental impact.
  • Use advanced logistics software: Implementing software solutions can help in planning and optimising loads, routes, and schedules, further enhancing efficiency and reducing emissions.


An experienced shipping partner like NDQ offers multimodal logistics solutions and ensures that each trailer is loaded efficiently and with the utmost care.

Ready to make your sustainability intentions a reality?

The NDQ team is here to help you upgrade your logistics plan. Our experts will guide you through your options to create a shipping strategy that aligns with your unique needs and supports your long-term carbon emissions goals. Let us help you turn your sustainability intentions into actionable results.